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Check out our FREE ULTIMATE GUIDE to EPS Insulation
Want to find out about the AMAZING benefits of EPS insulation? Look no further! Find the answers in our FREE ULTIMATE GUIDE. Click the button below to get started!

Foam Foundation Fundamentals 101

Foam board insulation is easy to use and is a great DIY way to add some insulation. These boards come in standard-size 4×8 sheets, and smaller sizes, in many different thicknesses from 1/4 inch to 3.75 inches. Some types of thicker foam board insulation are available, but you may have to special order these.


​In this section, we will be featuring Foam Foundation Fundamental tips that can help you with your next insulation project. This fall, we will be launching a series of EPS King videos on the basics of foam board installation so stay tuned!


You can find  more helpful information on insulation products on

EPS Expanded Polystrene Insulation: Below Grade Testing Confirms R-Value Retention Technical Bulletin on durability performance
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